
You can interact with Rhasspy in more ways than your voice:

Web Interface

A browser-based interface for Rhasspy is available on port 12101 by default (http://localhost:12101 if running locally). From this interface, you can test voice commands, add new voice commands, re-train, and edit your profile.

Top Bar

The top bar of the web interface lets you perform some global actions on Rhasspy, regardless of which tab you have selected.

Web interface top bar

  • Click the Rhasspy logo to reload the page
  • Click the version number to test the HTTP API
  • The green Train button will re-train your profile
    • Use the Clear Cache drop down to train from scratch
  • The yellow Wake button will wake Rhasspy up and start listening for a voice command
  • The red Restart button forces Rhasspy to restart

Speech Tab

Test voice and text commands.

Web interface speech tab

  • Record a voice command with Hold to Record or Tap to Record
  • Upload a WAV file with a voice command
  • Enter a text command and either execute it (Get Intent) or Speak the sentence
  • Uncheck Send to Home Assistant if you don't want Rhasspy to send events to Home Assistant

Sentences Tab

Add new voice commands to Rhasspy using the template syntax.

Web interface sentences tab

  • Edits sentences.ini by default
  • Use the Add File button to create additional sentence template files
    • These should be prefixed by the sentences_dir in your profile. For example, intents/more-commands.ini
  • The drop down can be used to switch editing between different template files

Slots Tab

Edit your slots lists as JSON (keys = slot names, values = lists of slot values).

Web interface slots tab

  • New slot values will overwrite previous ones
  • Delete a slot by providing an empty list for its JSON key

Words Tab

Teach Rhasspy how to pronounce new words.

Web interface words tab

  • Look up pronunciation(s) for known words (in your profile's base_dictionary.txt file)
  • Have Rhasspy guess how to pronounce a new (unknown) word
  • Pronounce the current word or download a WAV file of it
  • Add new words to your custom_words.txt file
  • Shows words that Rhasspy doesn't know (when training fails)

Web interface words tab 2

Table of examples for each phoneme in your profile language. Use this when constructing pronunciations for custom words.

Settings Tab

Simplified interface for editing your profile. Make sure to restart Rhasspy after saving changes.

Web interface settings tab

Advanced Tab

Direct interface for editing your profile. Be careful! Entering invalid settings here can cause Rhasspy to not start.

Web interface advanced tab

Log Tab

Streams Rhasspy's log output over a websocket.

Web interface log tab

Home Assistant

Rhasspy communicates with Home Assistant directly over its REST API. Specifically, Rhasspy intents are POST-ed to the events endpoint.

If you have a Rhasspy intent named ChangeLightColor with name and color slots like in the RGB light example, then Home Assistant will receive an event of type rhasspy_ChangeLightColor whose event data is:

  "name": "bedroom",
  "color": "red"

when you say "set the bedroom to red". You should write a custom automation with an event trigger to do something when this event arrives. Catching the example event would look like:

    platform: event
    event_type: rhasspy_ChangeLightColor
      color: red

You've now added offline, private voice commands to your Home Assistant. Happy automating!

Getting the Spoken Text

The Home Assistant event will contain two extra slots besides the ones you specify:

  • _text - spoken voice command text with substitutions
  • _raw_text - literal transcription of voice command


Rhasspy can interact directly with Node-RED directly through websockets. Simply add a websocket input and set the path to ws://<rhasspy>:12101/api/events/intent where <rhasspy> is the hostname or IP address of your Rhasspy server. Make sure to also set send/receive to "entire message".

Node-RED websocket example

More example flows are available on Github.

WebSocket Events

Rhasspy supports multiple websocket event endpoints:

  • /api/events/intent
    • Intent recognized or not
  • /api/events/wake
    • Wake word detected
  • /api/events/text
    • Speech transcription

WebSocket Intents

Whenever a voice command is recognized, Rhasspy emits JSON events over a websocket connection available at ws://YOUR_SERVER:12101/api/events/intent (replace ws:// with wss:// if you're using secure hosting). You can listen to these events in a Node-RED flow, and easily add offline, private voice commands to your home automation set up!

For the ChangLightState intent from the RGB Light Example, Rhasspy will emit a JSON event like this over the websocket:

  "text": "set the bedroom light to red",
  "intent": {
    "name": "ChangeLightColor",
    "confidence": 1
  "entities": [
      "entity": "name",
      "value": "bedroom"
      "entity": "color",
      "value": "red"
  "slots": {
    "name": "bedroom",
    "color": "red"

WebSocket Wake

When the wake word is detected, or Rhasspy is woken up via the /api/listen-for-command HTTP endpoint, a JSON event is emitted at ws://YOUR_SERVER:12101/api/events/wake (wss:// if using HTTPS) like:

    "wakewordId": "default",
    "siteId": "default"

The wakewordId is set using the model or file name of your wakeword model (e.g., porcupine for porcupine.ppn). The siteId comes from your mqtt.siteId profile setting.

WebSocket Transcriptions

Each time a voice command is transcribed, Rhasspy emits a JSON event at ws://YOUR_SERVER:12101/api/events/text (wss:// if using HTTPS) like:

    "text": "text from voice command",
    "wakewordId": "default",
    "siteId": "default"

The transcription is contained in the text property. wakewordId is the id of the wakeword that initiated the voice command (or default). The siteId comes from your mqtt.siteId profile setting.

MQTT and Snips

Rhasspy is able to interoperate with Snips.AI services using the Hermes protocol over MQTT. The following components are Snips/Hermes compatible:


Rhasspy features a comprehensive HTTP API available at /api/, documented with OpenAPI 3 (Swagger). See the HTTP API reference for more details.

Secure Hosting with HTTPS

If you need to access Rhasspy's web interface/API through HTTPS (formally SSL), you can provide a certificate and key file via command-line parameters or the configuration.

If you're running Rhasspy via Docker or in a virtual environment, add --ssl <CERT_FILE> <KEY_FILE> to the command-line arguments where <CERT_FILE> is your SSL certificate and <KEY_FILE> is your SSL key file.

You can generate a self-signed certificate with the following command:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem -days 365

After answering the series of questions, you should have cert.pem and key.pem in your current directory. Then run Rhasspy with:

<RHASSPY COMMAND> --ssl cert.pem key.pem

The web interface will now be available at https://localhost:12101 and the web socket events at wss://localhost:12101/api/events/intent

In, you will need to set the following options via the web interface or in your JSON configuration:

  • ssl: true
  • certfile: cert.pem
  • keyfile: key.pem

Command Line

You can access portions of Rhasspy's functionality without running a web server through the command-line interface. The rhasspy Python module runs this interface in its __main__, so it's accessible from Rhasspy's source code directory by running:

python3 -m rhasspy <COMMAND> <ARGUMENTS>

This will only work inside a properly set up virtual environment, however. If you run Rhasspy through Docker, the rhasspy-cli script should be used instead:

chmod +x rhasspy-cli
./rhasspy-cli --help

Put this script in your ~/bin directory so that you can refer to it as rhasspy-cli from any directory. By default, it will look for profiles in $XDG_CONFIG_FILE/rhasspy/profiles, which is probably ~/.config/rhasspy/profiles (see XDG specification for more information).

Beware: the rhasspy-cli script runs under your user account and grants Rhasspy write access to your home directory. This is needed to save files during the training process, and to avoid those files being owned by root. The rhasspy-cli-ro script can be used for read only operations, such as speech to text or intent handling, but cannot make any changes to your file system.

Top-Level Arguments

The rhasspy-cli script takes a command and a set of arguments:

rhasspy-cli --profile <PROFILE_NAME> <COMMAND> <ARGUMENTS>

Adding --debug before the command will print additional information to the console:

rhasspy-cli --debug --profile <PROFILE_NAME> <COMMAND> <ARGUMENTS>

You can override profile settings with --set like this:


See the command-line reference for available commands.