
A Rhasspy profile contains all of the necessary files for wake word detection, speech transcription, intent recognition, and training.

Each profile is a directory contained in the top-level profiles directory. The profiles/defaults.json file contains the default configuration for all profiles. The profile.json file inside each individual profile directory (e.g., profiles/en/profile.json) overrides settings in defaults.json.

When starting Rhasspy, you must specify a profile name with --profile <NAME> where <NAME> is the name of the profile directory (en, nl, etc.).

Profile Directories

Rhasspy looks for profile-related files in two directories:

  1. The system profile directory (read only)
    • Override with --system-profiles <DIR>
  2. The user profile directory (read/write)
    • Override with --user-profiles <DIR>

Files in the user profile directory override system files, and Rhasspy will only ever write to the user profile directory. The default location for each of these directories is:

  • Virtual Environment
    • System profile location is $PWD/profiles where $PWD is Rhasspy's root directory (where is located)
    • User profile location is $HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles
  • Docker
    • System profile location is either /usr/share/rhasspy/profiles (ALSA) or /home/rhasspy/profiles (PulseAudio)
    • User profile location must be explicitly set and mapped to a volume:
      • docker run ... -v /path/to/profiles:/profiles synesthesiam/rhasspy-server --user-profiles /profiles


Assume you are running Rhasspy in a virtual environment, and you add some new sentences to the en (English) profile in the web interface. When saving the sentences.ini file, Rhasspy will create $HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles/en (if it doesn't exist), and write sentences.ini in that directory. If you adjust and save your settings, you will find them in $HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles/en/profile.json.

Downloading Profiles

The first time Rhasspy loads a profile, it needs to download the required binary artifacts (acoustic model, base dictionary, etc.) from the internet. After the initial download, Rhasspy can function completely offline.

If you need to install Rhasspy onto a machine that is not connected to the internet, you can simply download the artifacts yourself and place them in a download directory inside the appropriate profile directory. For example, the fr (French) profile has three artifacts:

  1. cmusphinx-fr-5.2.tar.gz
  2. fr-g2p.tar.gz
  3. fr-small.lm.gz

If your user profile directory is $HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles, then you should download/copy all three artifacts to $HOME/.config/rhasspy/profiles/fr/download on the offline machine. Now, when Rhasspy loads the fr profile and you click "Download", it will extract the files in the download directory without going out to the internet.

Available Settings

See the reference for all available profile settings.