Audio Output

Rhasspy provides audio feedback when waking up, processing voice commands, pronouncing custom words, and during text to speech.


Rhasspy plays WAV audio data sent with the hermes/audioServer/<siteId>/playBytes/<requestId> topic. The requestId part of the topic is simply a unique ID that will be sent back in id field of the hermes/audioServer/playFinished response.


Plays WAV files on the local device by calling the aplay command. Should work with ALSA and PulseAudio.

Add to your profile:

"sounds": {
  "system": "aplay",
  "aplay": {
    "device": ""

If provided, sounds.aplay.device is passed to aplay with the -D argument. Leave it blank to use the default device.

You may set sounds.aplay.volume to a value in [0, 1] where 0 is off and 1 is full volume. This can be changed at runtime through the rhasspy/audioServer/setVolume message or the /api/set-volume HTTP endpoint.

WAV audio sent to this service is automatically inspected for an INFO chunk. If present, it's value is deserialized a JSON object and a "volume" property will used to determine the final playback volume (e.g., { "volume": 0.5 }).

Implemented by rhasspy-speakers-cli-hermes


Rhasspy can POST audio data (as WAV) to a remote HTTP endpoint (like /api/play-wav).

Add to your profile:

"sounds": {
  "system": "remote",
  "remote": {
      "url": "http://<address>:<port>/path/to/endpoint"

The Content-Type header will be set to audio/wav

Implemented by rhasspy-speakers-cli-hermes


Calls an external program to play audio. WAV audio data is sent to the program's standard in, and the program should exit once audio is finished playing.

Add to your profile:

"sounds": {
  "system": "command",
  "command": {
    "play_program": "/path/to/play/program",
    "play_arguments": [],

    "list_program": "/path/to/list/program",
    "list_arguments": []

The sounds.command.play_program is executed each time a sound is played with arguments from sounds.command.play_arguments. Rhasspy passes WAV audio to the program's standard input.

If provided, the sounds.command.list_program will be executed when a rhasspy/audioServer/getDevices message is received. The program should return a listing of available audio output devices in the same format as aplay -L.

Implemented by rhasspy-speakers-cli-hermes


Disables audio output.

Add to your profile:

"sounds": {
  "system": "dummy"